sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009

Viveka 2009

with Miguel Homem, Simão Monteiro and Bruno Teixeira

What a Yoga Retreat :)

It was a wonderful time to practice asanas, sing mantras, meditate, contemplate the beautiful nature around and talk about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagvada Gita. For me it was a time to get inspired and try new things for my yoga classes, as well as enhancing my morning practice.

For whomever practices and/or teaches yoga these moments are valuable to learn new things, to explore oneself and exchange ideas and experiences with others, and to realize once and once again how broad and rich are the teachings of yoga.

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2009


Meditation is concerned with the development of a presence, a modality of being, which may be expressed or developed in whatever situation the individual may be involved.

This presence or mode of being transforms whatever it touches. If its medium is movement, it will turn into dance; if stillness, into living sculpture; if thinking, into the higher reaches of intuition; if sensing, into a merging with the miracle of being; if feeling, into love.

in On the Psychology of Meditation, by Claudio Naranjo & Robert Ornstein