sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010


Biotechnology proponents have argued repeatedly that GM seeds are crucial to feed the world, using the same flawed reasoning that was advanced for decades by the proponents of the Green Revolution. Conventional food production, they maintain, will not keep pace with the growing world population. Monsanto's ads proclaimed in 1998: “Worrying about starving future generations won't feed them. Food biotechnology will.” As agroecologists Miguel Altieri and Peter Rosset point out, this argument is based on two erroneous assumptions. The first is that world hunger is caused by a global shortage of food; the second is that genetic engineering is the only way to increase food production.
In their classic study, World Hunger: Twelve Myths, development specialists Frances Moore Lappé and her colleagues at the Institute for Food and Development Policy gave a detailed account of world food production that surprised many readers. They showed that abundance, not scarcity, best describes the food supply in today's world. During the past three decades, increases in global food production have outstripped world population growth per 16 per cent.
The root causes of hunger around the world are unrelated to food production. They are poverty, inequality and lack access to food and land. People go hungry because the means to produce and distribute food are controlled by the rich and powerful: world hunger is not a technical but a political problem.

in “The Hidden Connections”, by Fritjof Capra

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