we must remember that becoming aware of the truth has a liberating effect;
it releases energy and de-fogs one´s mind.
As a result, one is more independent, has one´s center in oneself, and is more alive.
One may realize that nothing in reality can be changed,
but one has succeeded in living and dying as a human person and not as a sheep.
If avoidance of pain and maximal comfort are supreme values,
then indeed illusions are preferable to the truth. If, on the other hand,
we consider that every man, at any time in history,
is born with the potential of being a full man and that, furthermore,
with his death the one chance given to him is over,
then indeed much can be said for the personal value of shedding illusions
and thus attaining an optimum of personal fulfillment.
In addition, the more seeing individuals will become, the more likely it is that they can produce changes - social and individual ones - at the earliest possible moment, rather than, as is often the case, waiting until the chances for change have disappeared because their mind, their courage, their will have become atrophied.
The conclusion from all these considerations is that the most important step in the art of being is everything that leads to and enhances our capacity for heightened awareness and, as far as the mind is concerned, for critical, questioning thinking.
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